For Investors

So, you’ve already got a home and are looking to invest in more properties. What a great idea! Owning real estate is one of the safest ways to build equity and obtain a greater return on your investment. Whether you’re looking to flip houses or invest in a rental that can earn you an extra $300-$400 of income per month, I’m just the partner that you’re looking for.

My team and I have renovated and sold over 60 multi-family properties. Plus, I know the right neighborhoods for different types of investments, and I can help you “spice up” a rental to get your highest value for return. Whether it’s your first, second, or twentieth investment property, click below to find a partner to put your money to work for you.

Alli Vaith

Real Estate Agent

Rochester | Minnesota
3338 19th St NW Rochester, MN 55901

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